Interchangeable Mowing & Turf Maintenance Cartridges.
8 Tasks, 1 Machine • Quick Change System • Year-Round Versatility
Allett UC43D 17'' Dethatcher Cartridge
Allett UC43D 17'' Dethatcher Cartridge
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This cartridge can be used with the following mower:
Stirling 43
Boasting wider spaced, thicker tines the Dethatcher is the most aggressive cartridge and penetrates the soil to a maximum depth of 6mm.
For lawns in serious disarray, the Dethatcher removes the densest layers of thatch effectively.
The machine works by rigorously penetrating the soil’s surface in order to pick up and remove layers of thatch such as dead grass and leaves, plant stolons and weed growth. Lawns grow healthier, thicker and more luscious once this has been removed as it's less susceptible to disease. Lawns that are more susceptible to disease encourage moss growth which should be avoided.
Removal of excessive thatch and moss enables more water, air and nutrients to absorb into the soil to be provided to the grass root, and should be carried out at least once a year in late Spring or Autumn only when moisture is available for the lawn to recover. The dethatcher cartridge removes twice as much material as the Verticut cartridge.
Cultivation depth down to -10mm

UC Cartridge System
Allett’s quickest cartridge change ever means that removing the mower cartridge and securing the other cartridges takes just seconds, and no tools are required with the Ultra-Change system.
UC43 Cartridges
Allett UC43G- 17'' Groomer Cartridge
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Allett UCC436 17'' 6 Bladed Cutting Cylinder
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Allett UCC4310 17'' 10 Blade Cutting Cartridge
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Allett UC43SC 17" Scarifier Cartridge
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Allett UC43LB 17" Lawn Brush Cartridge
Regular price £439.00Regular priceUnit price / per -
Allett UC43V 17" Verticut Cartridge
Regular price £499.00Regular priceUnit price / per -
Allett UC43A 17'' Aerator Cartridge
Regular price £325.00Regular priceUnit price / per -
Allett UC43D 17'' Dethatcher Cartridge
Regular price £366.00Regular priceUnit price / per

Stirling 43
The Stirling range of expert mowers offer our most exact and robust mowing to date, with the Allett® cartridge system giving professional level cultivation and clean-up for lawn-thatch control, autumn renovations and weed control.

Want to try the Stirling?
If you would like to see this mower in action and try it for yourself, we can arrange for you and your groundscare team to have a no-obligations demonstration at your club or institution.