C34E. Ultra Quiet. Super Clean.

C34E Evolution
Electric Professional Cylinder Mower With Interchangeable Cartridge and Turf Maintenance System

This custom-designed scarifier helps keep your sports surface healthy and disease-free

The Powered Brush is perfect for sweeping away any ugly wormcasts or leaves that are marring the surface of your pitch or lawn and has been carefully designed to keep your stripes perfect for even longer.

The Powered VertiCutter is equipped with backwards inclined blades specially designed to prune the grass to improve tillering and stolon formation.

6 Blade Cylinder
A mower with fewer blades will generally cope better with longer, thicker or damp grass, as there is more room for the clippings to pass through.
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Cartridge Stands
The perfect choice from our mower accessories range if you are looking for a way to keep your cartridges in order and have them on show.

Turf Rake
The Turf Rake is primarily designed to lift lateral growth, remove moss and dead material from the grass but it does a lot more than that.

Sorrel Roller
It’s important to use a Sorrel Roller on your pitches semi-regularly to allow aeration of the pitch.

8 Blade Cylinder
The 8 blade is much more suited to sports such as football and rugby where a pristine high-quality finish is required- we see this cartridge in a lot of the premier league football stadiums where high-quality presentation is paramount.