Winter Lawn Care

Winter Lawn Care Advice: How to Look After Your Lawn During the Colder Months

Winter is a quiet time for lawn owners. If your lawn came through autumn in good health then this time of year should be more about enjoying time spent indoors in front of the fire. That’s not to say your lawn care duties are over though!

Winter Tasks

Winter can put a lot of stress on your lawn so it’s your job to keep it as healthy as possible. Here’s how to look after your lawn during the winter;

Keep off the Grass (Mostly)

As much as you can, try to stay off the grass, especially when it’s very wet or frosty. Walking on the grass in these conditions can damage the grass leaves at a time when they can’t grow or repair themselves. This can leave the grass weak and open to fungal infections. If it snows, build your snowmen on patios or paths. Compacted snow takes forever to melt and can cause your lawn a lot of stress. You will need to walk on it at some point to do your winter jobs but choose a dry day that isn’t too cold.

Keep it Clear of Fallen Leaves and Other Debris

Fallen leaves are a real pain in the winter. Just when you’ve cleared them off the lawn, a gust of wind blows in another tree full. However, it’s important to keep clearing them up as they can trap moisture on the surface of the lawn which can cause the onset of moss or disease. They can also encourage earthworms to the surface as they feed on the leaves which cause their own problems. If you own an Allett Kensington or Liberty 43 you can fit our Quick Cartridge Lawn Brush Accessory. This makes picking up any leaves very easy and you’ll keep the famous Allett lawn stripes during winter. Alternatively, you can use a rake or leaf blower.

Keep Your Lawn Clear of Worm Casts

If you thought fallen leaves were a pain in the lawn, worm casts are even worse! They’re ugly, slimy, they can disfigure your lawn and they’re difficult to remove when wet. That said, they’re packed full of nutrients and the presence of worms in your lawn is a sign that it’s in good health. The best way to deal with them is to brush them back into the surface when they’re dry as often as you can.

Apply a High Iron Winter Lawn Feed

It’s always a good idea to keep your lawn topped up with nutrients. A fertiliser with an analysis (NPK) of 5% Nitrogen, 0% Phosphate, 8% Potassium and 8% - 12% iron will; • Aid root development • Harden the turf against stress and disease • Provide a boost of colour • Keep any moss at bay December of January is generally a good time to apply it.

Cut the Grass (Caution Advised)

That’s right, you can still mow the lawn during the winter. Grass only needs temperatures of 5 degrees to grow and when it’s mild, temperatures often exceed this. If you like a tidy lawn, even in winter then cut the grass. However, be careful about how and when you do it. Keep the mower on a high setting and only take the top off the grass to keep it all the same height. Remove as little as possible. Also, mow when it’s mild. Don’t mow in frosty conditions or when frost or snow is forecast. It’s better to not cut the grass and be safe than take any risks so if in doubt, don’t bother.

Service Your Lawn Mower

Winter is a good time to service your lawn mower and get it ready for the following season. Read our article on winter lawn mower maintenance or alternatively, you can take it to one of our authorised dealers who can service it for you.

In Conclusion

Winter is a stressful time for your lawn. There’s not a lot to do in terms of work but still, it’s important work. Look after your lawn well now and you’ll have little work to do when spring rolls around. If not, you’ll have more work to do later on. Written by GardenSeeker
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